Monday, May 4, 2015

Under One Sky

My colleague Vasquez has made several valid points in his argument. I am in complete agreement that Texas needs to allow students from across the border to be given the chance to go to school within the states regardless of their citizenship status. Who cares that these students are undocumented. At least they're trying to make something of themselves. It is sad to see our government try to interfere with the possibilities of these young adults trying to get an education. We should stop and honor the fact that people from other origins want to come here to better their future. Regardless of where they choose to get their education, through it all, we are all living under the same sky. I do not see the problem in that. However, you have those "stuck in their ways" republicans who continuously try to put a stop to anything that will better the state of Texas. 

I say open the doors! Give them a chance! Make it easier for these undocumented students to become citizens. I'm sure they deal with enough stress as it is. No one needs the government breathing down their back, waiting on the opportunity to throw someone out.

Face it Republicans, Democrats will soon take over!

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