Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Doesn't Surprise Me

My colleague Laura Besinaiz has made a very valid point. With me being a woman, I can absolutely relate to this. The majority of us are not blessed with a silver spoon in our mouths. We have to rely on the government's assistance, and the cheaper routes in order to receive the same accommodations as others. I have been a patient of Planned Parenthood since I was a toddler. It is affordable and convenient. If you lack insurance like most in our country, Planned Parenthood is the place to go. Taking away government assistance could substantially hurt the less fortunate. It has been a safe zone for teenage girls throughout the U.S. who are afraid to go to their parents about feminine issues they're dealing with.

Planned Parenthood has reached out to the minority population for decades. It is sad but not surprising to hear the government is willing to take away a business that aids its communities. Of course our government will do anything to save a buck, to spend even more bucks on something insignificant. This issue digs deep into the obvious, REPUBLICANS! I wonder, would this proposal be pending if democrats held the majority of offices? I doubt it.

This is way bigger than a couple of dollars. The government will be taking away the only affordable healthcare most females know. Hospital and doctor bills are outrageous with or without insurance. Planned Parenthood is the way to go. Republicans want to remain "traditional" than don't take Planned Parenthood away. It does not get any more "traditional" than that.

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