Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The True Colors of Texas

It is evident that our nation as a whole is very diverse. There is not one superior race, however, our nation contains a mixture of cultures and ethnicities. This known fact tends to get lost in our countries everyday hustle and bustle. It is clear that there is no way to rid our nation from the "minority" populations. With this, why not simply accept the things you cannot change? I'll narrow my perspective in on Texas since this is a "Texas Government" assignment.

Our government is supposed to be set up in a way to protect and serve our people. What our government does not realize is, "our people" come in 50 different shades of color.  How can they protect and serve, when they are constantly searching for ways to hinder our people of color. We have prime examples with systems such as, Gerrymandering and the "At Large Trend". These are only a few of many ways that our Texas government will do anything within their power to mute the growing epidemic of minorities. Republicans are running scared knowing that our population is shifting from Whites being the majority race here in Texas, to soon be considered minorities. The facts are, Texas has never been a "Whites Only" state. These lands were cultivated first by Native Americans and Mexicans, the "True Colors of Texas". Discrimination within our government has to be put to an end. For the people, by the people, but we as people, need to speak up and be heard.

Change is inevitable and is happening everyday. We have come too far in time to still be fighting the issue of racism. These days, it is nothing but ignorance, and the want to be "traditional". There is anything but traditional in the 21st century. Instead of fighting against this change, our government needs to see the beauty of this situation. Our leaders want so much power and control, that they miss the fact that if they were to accept this change, the amount of power they hold over the state would increase enormously. We ought to throw the traditional beliefs out of the window, and accept that Texas has been and will always be a foreign state. There is no black and white, but shades ranging across the spectrum. Our white superiors cannot live forever, and with that, the greatest change is coming.

1 comment:

Laura Besinaiz said...

My colleague, Tori Thompson, has made a good argument as she agreed with one of my mine. Tori states in her argument that whites in Texas are becoming the new minority and the lingering discrimination is still evident. When are the people of America going to wake up and come to reality? After all, it is the 21st century.
I, one-hundred percent, agree with Tori on how our government needs to realize our country and state comes with more than one ethnicity. Being Hispanic, I can completely relate to this. The world does not revolve around the Caucasian heritage as it did once before. The fact that it ever did is absolutely unjust, inhumane, and brutal. We need a government that is going to support its citizens and listen to their opinions, regardless of change.
The majority of Texas is not a part of the “change” fan club. Most people want to keep and sustain the “traditional” way of living, like Tori said. I never understood this, but why can’t other individuals see that we are all equal? Change IS going to happen, regardless of what everyone in our state thinks. It is already happening. Why is it horrible that Texas is becoming more diverse? Ignorance has to stop and acceptance of change has to begin. Change is inevitable. We should and deserve to have an open-minded, accommodating local government to protect and serve us. Texas history proves what great lengths we went through for our state to be protected.